The training went super well. It was all interactive and new information, so everyone was really attentive and participating and happy for it. Our boss kept saying he was shocked that no one was falling asleep as is often the case with our training when they invite trainers (other volunteers) to help out and they are unprepared and just rehash all the same info in a ¨discussion¨. So we did good. :) I´ll be doing a teacher training with teachers from all of Coclé, maybe others in February (tHE ANAM director forCoclé heard about the training I did and wants me to bef up their training.)
And in early Dec (10 and 11) I´ll be in Panama on a training of the trainers for PML (project management and leadersçhip). Then in January and maybe later too i´ll be training pairs of volunteers with their community counterparts. It keeps me busy as the principal at my school hates me and makes me feel unwelcome there. If he only knew what he was missing. lol