Anyhow, after work I decided that I was going to do what any good American would do on an American holiday: visit some American stores. :) I jumped on the bus to the shopping center outside of the city. (It is one of about 3 buses I take regularly.) First stop was to see what American movies were playing. Unfortunately most of the good ones weren't starting until about 8pm, and it was about 2pm when I got there. I then grabbed a frappacino at McCafe, McDonald's version of Starbucks. It was delightful, although a lot smoother (aka melted) than a normal frap, but it did the trick. With my input of caffiene I began my shopping excursion at Walmart.
Now, don't get on my case about this. I honestly do love the store because of it's offerings, despite it's problems. With every turn of the aisle (yes, I go up and down every one, perhaps multiple times, at any grocery store no matter how many times I've been there) I was delighted by new finds. I picked up come capichino mix. Mmmmm. And I finally found canela (aka cinnimon) which I've been looking for since I got here. Then I found beer in a can, so I don't have to pay for the rediculous redemption cost of a bottle. (It isn't a formal kind of add-on, so whatever little store you go to writes on a scrap of paper that you can get your dollar (2 pesos) back when you buy your next beer there. I'm sure it is a great way to keep loyal customers, but I'm just not into that...) I also found, get ready for this... Peanut butter! It isn't the same as home, so I was a little set back, but I figured it was better than nothing. I lugged my grocery bags onto the bus and headed home.
On the bus I FINALLY got a call from the lab saying my results were in! Yay!!! Absolutely everyone in the office knows me know, since I've been there about 10 times. I considered hopping off the bus near the lab, but decided against it since I had my hands full. Once I got back to the apartment, the doorman stopped me before I went up the elevator. He had a package for me!
So I received the package from him (thanks to Mom), making my day even better. Once I got up the the apartment, the first thing I did was take care of the important stuff. I popped the beers in the freezer to chill. :) I couldn't wait that long though, so taking a cue from Jeff's mom, I filled up a glass with ice cubes and poured my beer in. Mmmmm. Then I was ready to open Mom's box. I got a brand new book to read and... REAL peanut butter!!!! I am so stoked to try it. It's been a LONG time.
I hopped back on the bus, picked up my results and even got my receipt to be reimbursed by PC for it. I still have to translate the results and go back to the doctor to have him sign everything off, but that should all be taken care of on Tues. On my way out of the office, the other secretary lady waved to me and asked how everything was going. (I had to go to her about 5 times I think.) I'm pretty popular there. hehe
So that's my Thanksgiving. I hope you are all doing well! I miss you all!!!
Much love,
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