Friday, November 16, 2007


I just made my very first cream sauce from scratch! It really turned out great. I had some initial problems with it being too thick. I thought adding more milk would help, was afraid it was too thin, and added more flour. I now know being patient would have been the better option. Oh well, it still turned out well. I'm proud of myself. hehe

It makes up for the flop of my corn tortillas I tried making the other day. The recipe on the internet said it only requires corn meal and water... The problem was they tasted like corn meal and water. I didn't have a method of making them really thin, so perhaps that contributed to their lack of taste, as any bit was a whole lot of nothing. Add to that the fact that my second batch of hummus wasn't as good as the first (added too much liquid and tried thickening with some of the corn meal...). Oh well, I'll get the hang of that some other time. Perhaps I'll just go back to buying "pan arabe" at the store. It's only like $0.50 for a whole bag of them. hehe

So there are my adventures in culinary delights. (Yes I know, it's not much...) I plan on bbq-ing some more this up coming week. Those steaks I made the last time were delicious! I'm in the mood to host a Thanksgiving dinner now. hehe I'll spread the word to Laura and have her invite the other girls in her English class I met at the party the other week. yay!

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